Off Kilter
The world seems to be completely off kilter. You feel it, don’t you? It’s as if the earth has come off its axis, spinning backwards into a darker era. I used to have one of those globes that you spun around. This was in the days before countries changed, split up, divided and became new countries faster than you could say Herzegovina. Occasionally the spinning globe (because I would spin it quite fast and vigorously) would become unhinged. Easily fixed. Click. Everything back in place. If only it were so easy today. Not so. There are no easy answers or fixes after the years of COVID, gun violence, war, racism, senseless killings and now, turning the clock back on women’s rights. No easy answers to any of it. And even as we tentatively emerge out of COVID, we cannot simply return to the way it was before, as much as some people wish to eagerly proclaim—oh yay, now I can go back to living my life as I did before. Nothing returns to how it was before an upheaval. Not in natu...