I Have Not Been . . .
Some phrases that you come across, in reading or listening, stick with you and rattle around in your head. Here’s one from a Portuguese poet (unknown) that I’m paraphrasing: You are what you’ve been, but you also are what you haven’t been. Here’s another from the novel BLACK CAKE by Charmaine Wilkerson: “ Sometimes, the stories we don’t tell people about ourselves matter even more than the things we say .” Both speak of the gaps, the silences, the unspoken, the things not done, the path taken and not taken. What have we not been because of conscious choice, or missed opportunity, or resistance, or worse – because of fear? It’s easy to interpret this in a broad, vague sense: I have not been an astronaut. I have not been a pilot or an underwater explorer. I have not been to Antarctica. But that’s too simple. There are many things we haven’t been because those things have never beckoned. But what about those that did? What about those that hovered on the edge of our consc...