
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Restlessness of June

  What is it about June that induces a feeling of restlessness? It seems I was in a similar frame of mind two years ago in June when I wrote this post .  Last year, in early June, I was in Scotland, returning home to a late start with my balcony pots of flowers, and ready to settle into familiar routines and comforts. This year, my pots were out on the balcony before the May long weekend, but routines are not what is on my mind. Lately, I’ve been a butterfly, socially and otherwise. I have a high pile of books on my nightstand (six is a lot to be reading simultaneously, even for me) and I flit from one to the other, like a bee in a field of flowers. I seem unable to stick a landing. In my morning journal, I manage only a page or two, sometimes stopping mid-paragraph to stare out the window. What is it about June, the month where the shift to full-on summer and outdoor living beckons. Am I standing on the threshold, a buffet of options in front of me, unable to fathom if I’m making ch