
Showing posts from October, 2024

The In Between

This week I shutdown my work laptop for good. Hung up my work hat. Became a ‘ jubilada ’ (I wrote in a previous post about JubilaciĆ³n , which is the Spanish word for retirement). I look upon this as the In Between, the time when I’ve just exited one phase of life and am about to enter another. I’m on a bridge, crossing from one landscape of life into another. I know, for a short while, I may feel unmoored, unstructured, and as much as we like to think of spontaneity as being cool, the reality is we all need and thrive on some kind of structure to our lives, as any parent of young children knows. I trust I will find my footing, because I always have, and I’ve laid the groundwork. The world wants to label you so that others know in which hole to peg you. But the word ‘retiree’ doesn’t sit well with me. I may have retired from the paid workforce, but I have not retired from life.   Indeed, inside I feel 35, and yet, not the same as when I was 35. Because who remains the same person they