Sunday Rant


Fair Warning – this is going be a bit of a rant.

Polio is making a reappearance in some parts of the US after having been eradicated in North America for decades. Some third-world countries are still trying to eradicate it. They don’t need setbacks from first-world countries.

It angers me that people will make life-altering decisions about vaccinations based on a ‘feeling’ or ‘emotion’ or ‘opinion’, instead of looking to evidence and science-based studies and facts. Many don’t know the ravages polio can cause the body, the paralysis, because they haven’t seen it firsthand. It’s only when the effects hit close to home that they might pay attention.

The past couple of years of the pandemic has caused a rift between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, which I am weary of.

But here’s the thing I feel strongly about: If you are going to live in society, with all the modern conveniences and technology that go with it; If you are going to benefit from social services and rely on doctors and nurses and hospitals to take care of you or your loved ones when you fall ill; If you are going to mingle with others in society who may be immune-compromised and could have much worse outcomes than you would have – then it’s your duty to do the research and make decisions that not only encapsulate your own  rights but the rights of others in society as well.

As for parents who put their children at the risk of a life in crutches or a wheelchair, because they ‘feel’ strongly about natural remedies and immunity (or for religious reasons which I really don’t want to go into because then the rant may get worse), they need to seek out and talk to someone who has first-hand experience of the effects of this disease. Generations have worked hard to eradicate this. Nature is not the cure-all; nature has its own dangers of toxins and poisons too (water hemlock, poison ivy, foxglove, to name a few).

I wish people wouldn’t mess with Mother Nature or use her as a pretext for decisions (especially on behalf of their children). The word ‘natural’ gets over-used far too much.

I wish people wouldn’t endanger their children’s health and future or that of generations to come.

I wish people wouldn’t undo years of medical research that have sought to extend human life with more ease and less suffering.

Perhaps I should have phrased this post more in the tone of “That’s not how I see it” as Kerry Clare wrote in a recent blog post. I am aware that little good comes of trying to convince someone about your position without fully understanding theirs. Everyone has an opinion these days (and I’m no exception) but opinions don’t necessarily equate to knowledge or wisdom. (Those who stormed the Capitol that January 6th had opinions!). All it means is that…you have an opinion. It could be based on facts or research or dubious sources or emotions or ego.

But…there you have it. That’s how I am feeling this Sunday.

Rant over and out.







  1. I am completely in agreement. Very well said -- and it needs to be said.

  2. Oh gosh, I see my comment was published as "Anonymous" and I would much rather you know who made that comment. Me, Diane Schuller.

  3. I don't do my research because I'm not that smart! Listening to and trusting those with wisdom and experience works for me.


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