My 100th Blog Post!

Dear Blog Reader Who would have thought, when I took blog school almost two years ago, that I would still be here. When I signed up, spontaneously, without much thought, I had no idea that one of the requirements was that you actually had to HAVE a blog site, and as part of the sessions, you would be required to post actual blogs! I’d blithely assumed that the course would be all theory that I could put into practice later . . . or not. If I had known I’d be expected to write blog posts right away, every few days . . . well, I would have dithered, and not signed up. But once Kerry Clare told me I was in, and what was required, I quickly set up a site, and . . . 99 posts later . . . here I am with # 100. Photo from Unsplash And who are you out there, reading this blog site? Other than a few regulars, I don’t know who the readers are. So, why do I keep writing these posts? What have I written about? Mostly ponderings and observations about life as an ag...