
Showing posts from September, 2024

On Integrity And Internalizing Values

  September always seems like the true beginning of a new year. I was thinking the other morning about those first days of school, taking a picture of my daughter on her first day of kindergarten, all those mommy butterflies in my tummy. We want so much to protect our children from the world and yet the quandary is, we have to prepare to let go of them, to send them out into that same world where there are no guarantees, no knowledge of what they might encounter. Some of it is just pure luck and happenstance. Then comes the day we send them off to university and there’s another letting go. And again, we don’t know what they might go through, but if they’re lucky, and we’re lucky, they will be okay. So much of being a parent is putting your trust not only in your child, in yourself, but also in others to do the right thing. We count on the integrity of others.   Someone tossed this board to the curb. I’d like to think that, rather than the reason for discarding it being updating d